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Question.2949 - Question 1 In the 1970’s Christopher Date and Edgar Codd introduced the relational database, eventually forcing IBM to introduce DB2 (relational software) to replace its IMS/DB (hierarchical software). Research and review the history of the relational database (RDBMS) and indicate why it is currently the most popular database platform. (Hint: Provide examples of CRUD – create, read, update, delete – functions to support your answer). Be sure to cite your references.

Answer Below:

Answer 1 A relational database management system is a kind of database management system which stores the data in related tables as opposed to their predecessors; the IBM IMS (Information Management System) which is an established hierarchical database system that stores data in tree-like data tables. (http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/R/RDBMS.html). The relational database management system or the RDBMS as it was called in short; was the invention of Edgar F. Codd; who had set to eradicate the high costs that the companies had to pay for managing the IBM’s IMS and extracting of data from the DBMS (database management system) as it required a specialist to operate the DBMS for the high use of complex encoding involved in such system. The idea behind this invention had been a simple mix of the concept of the sets theory of mathematics which Dr.Codd had applied in computers; he himself being an Oxford- educated mathematician and having a doctorate in computer science. The most basic and simple question that Dr.Codd had answered in his research paper on RDBMS (in 1970) which showed the method in which a data could be extracted from a database without knowing the data structure type or its availability in the database was: how the computer could figure itself that where the data was stored; in which form was it available and finally how could it retrieve the same. The simple and right idea behind solving this question was Codd’s idea of having the relation between the data items to be formed on the value of the items as opposed to be based on the specific linking or nestling used previously. This relation that was used is similar to the relation that is found in the groups of sets in the set theory of mathematics and such solution had made it possible for the first time to extract data without getting into the trouble of knowing the details of the formation of the structure of a database. This database also provided flexibility and had been superior in the cases that had required different types of data frequently. The working of a RDBMS can be seen from the following example as available on the IBM site- http://www-03.ibm.com/ibm/history/ibm100/us/en/icons/reldb/ The flexibility advantage of using the RDBMSs has been due to the natural structure and organization of data in these systems that are accessible by numerous users at the same time. These systems are easy and less costly to maintain and runs on SQL; the Structured Query Language, which is a widely used simple language in computers now a days. The easy accessibility of a RDBMS is attributable to the basic functions of create, read, update and delete; performed by these systems. The functioning of a RDBMS can be laid out as follows- the information that had been entered in a computer is grouped to form records which are separated into numerous tables with each column relating to one topic. All the tables in the RDBMS are linked through the use of primary keys and foreign keys. This entire process is called normalization which is the prerequisite of the working of a RDBMS and makes the function of crud easier. These functions have become easier due to the use of the SQL which helps in creating i.e. inserting information, retrieving data, updating information and deleting data by using simple SQL phrases. For example: Inserting data in a table will be like- INSERT INTO XYZ Table (A, B, C, D) VALUES (a11, b232, c53, d474) Retrieving data from a row is like- SELECT*FROM XYZ Table WHERE A= a785 Updating a row is like- UPDATE XYZ SET C= ‘c15098’, D= 8876 WHERE A= a61 Deleting data from XYZ table is like- DELETE FROM XYZ Table WHERE A> a656 AND C= c998765 http://www.agiledata.org/essays/relationalDatabases.html This simplicity of performing the basic functions of a database in a RDBMS has made them the predominant choice for the storage of financial records, manufacturing and logistical information, and personnel data. Also, the creation of the RDBMS and SQL syntax has made them widely applicable in banks, stock exchanges, e-commerce; where there is huge data to be stored and accessed.

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