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Question.2218 - WebQuest Research Assignment (15 pts.) For this activity, you will research WebQuests. Remember that this is just research for your webquest, not creating your webquest. 1. Find 3 WebQuests that you find interesting. 2. You will write one paragraph about each of the three Webquests (remember a paragraph equals 6-7 sentences) you located. Your submission will have a total of 18-21 sentences.  3. Your submission will have the following: a. Webquest URL b. One paragraph (6-7 sentences per each) about what you found interesting about the webquest. 4. Upload your document labeled 3 Interesting WebQuests and post it on your website. Due 10/8/23. FORMAT EXAMPLE FOR YOUR 3 WebQuests: (the template is attached to the text) 1. Webquest Title: URL of webquest: www. 1 paragraph about the webquest 6-7 sentences 2.Webquest Title URL of webquest 1 paragraph about the webquest 6-7 sentences 3. Webquest Title URL of webquest 1 paragraph about the webquest 6-7 sentences

Answer Below:

WebQuest: "The Ancient Civilizations WebQuest" URL: http://mrheathancientcivilizations.weebly.com/ If a student is learning about ancient civilizations, then this WebQuest is a must-have! Students are led through engaging exercises that promote deep reflection about past civilizations. It's a fascinating educational tool because of the incorporation of multimedia, clickable timelines, and thought-provoking questions. By traveling through time and space virtually, students can learn about and appreciate the contributions of many historical cultures. Role-playing features included in the WebQuest put students in the shoes of historical figures and challenged them to see the world through their eyes. The incorporation of multimedia components improves historical visualization, leading to a more engaging and informative educational trip through ancient civilizations. WebQuest: "The American Revolution WebQuest" URL: https://studylib.net/doc/10272321/american-revolution-webquest This WebQuest is a time-traveling adventure that will take your class all the way back to the revolutionary era in the United States. With a focus on tasks, students are more likely to dig into and analyze original materials, which in turn improves their historical reasoning and ability to conduct independent research. It also makes use of visual aids like photographs, movies, and documents to provide students with a deeper understanding of the revolutionary era and to keep their attention throughout the course. WebQuest provides a framework for students to conduct their research and think critically, leading to a better grasp of the significance of the American Revolution. This engaging activity helps students gain a deeper understanding of this seminal time in American history by leading them on a guided tour of primary materials and historical events. WebQuest: "World Religions WebQuest" URL: https://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=813820&tab_layout=side; This WebQuest makes use of LiveBinders for streamlined resource organization and user-friendly navigation. Students can learn about the major world religions in an interesting and participatory way by using multimedia materials, including films, articles, and quizzes. This WebQuest is a fascinating expedition into the study of numerous faiths from around the globe. It's a great way for pupils to gain exposure to new religions, customs, and traditions. Students may easily compare and contrast different religions because of the interactive and organized approach, which fosters tolerance and understanding in a multicultural world. This WebQuest is both engaging and educational thanks to its use of credible sources and relevant questions.  

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