Question.2414 - After studying the assigned reading 21st Century Communication: A Reference Handbook, Chapter 65: "The Changing Nature of 'News'” and considering the concepts of timeliness, proximity, oddity, prominence, impact, conflict, and human interest, provide a current example of a compelling news story. Answer the following questions or prompts: A) Why is it compelling? Which of the concepts does it exemplify? B) In general, how have these concepts been challenged by the advent of immediacy in a news release?
Answer Below:
Why is it compelling? Which of the concepts does it exemplify? In this era, the mode of acquiring news has changed drastically and has impacted our lives a lot in terms of choosing news daily. Any news spreads instantly because of the compelling nature it has inculcated in it and the amount of hidden mystery it holds inside it. Today's audience is interested only in the news delivered to them instantly. They do not give a second thought to whether the news is fake or not. Any updates that pop up on their social media accounts attract their attention and get viral without enquiring about their reality. Furthermore, on visiting websites also a user searches for brief headlines in which the gist of the news is mentioned. The news or headlines are compelling to attract more readers and create a sense of excitement in them (Pathak & Srihari, 2019). The titles of the article or simply the heading are such that readers and viewers develop curiosity and they are attracted by that news heading. The brief and important points are provided in the timeliness. Individuals are more concerned and interested in the local news rather than other news. This shows that the news is compelling to the audience because of its proximity, timeliness, and unusualness of the news. In the case study, the story of "Man bites dog", has been mentioned which shows the story includes conflict, timeliness, impact, and proximity. In this, the conflict is about the good relationship between dog and man that no longer exists according to the news. The story gathered a large audience because of the striking headline. Another reason was also that the news was local as well as timely. Another example of current compelling news is of a woman who died at Rikers Island who was in solitary published 3 in The City. This news gathered a huge audience as the real cause of death was not known. The news included conflict, timeliness, and impact all over the world. In general, how have these concepts been challenged by the advent of immediacy in a news release? With the increasing reliance on digital platforms for every task and work, getting news updates has also transformed its way and turned to social media platforms to acquire news. Immediacy is considered one of the most important aspects of news and this aims to provide news instantly. The reporting of news that has just taken place or is going to take place shortly is done instantly and this is the immediacy of the news. Digital platforms have played a very prominent role in providing news to the audience. Instant information about something or giving brief headlines or descriptions has attracted many people as this provides adequate knowledge in less time (Vogler & Eisenegger, 2021). Visiting news websites in which news updates are available in bullets saves a lot of time and this is the reason that readers prefer it much nowadays. In providing the news immediately, more emphasis is given to the latest aspects of that event and more attention is provided to the present condition. Though there is still some audience who are mainly dependent on traditional or published news yet the audience relies on the immediacy of news are more as compared to the former one. Hence, the concepts have been challenged by the advent of immediacy in a news release. 4 References Pathak, A., & Srihari, R. K. (2019, July). BREAKING! Presenting fake news corpus for automated fact checking. In Proceedings of the 57th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics: student research workshop (pp. 357- 362). Vogler, D., &Eisenegger, M. (2021). CSR communication, corporate reputation, and the role of the news media as an agenda-setter in the digital age. Business & Society, 60(8), 1957- 1986. Articles From Social Media