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Question.4178 - reflect on what you have read so far about brain development in any of our texts or presentations, and share scriptural integration of how these ideas support the concept of “renewing the mind” found in Romans 12:2. How does the idea of neuroplasticity and the brain being moldable fall in line with our Christian worldview/ belief system. Use 2 citations from our text and 2 scriptural verses to support the ideas given.

Answer Below:

reflect on what you have read so far about brain development in any of our texts or presentations, and share scriptural integration of how these ideas support the concept of renewing the mind found in Romans 12:2. How does the idea of neuroplasticity and the brain being moldable fall in line with our Christian worldview/ belief system. Use 2 citations from our text and 2 scriptural verses to support the ideas given. Romans 12:2  Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, it encourages. This idea corresponds well with modern ideas of brain development and brain plasticity, which have been described by Siegel and Bryson. In Chapter 1, they strongly note that the brain is influenced daily by experiences, especially during early childhood. This view of a pliable brain agrees with the thinking and practice of rebuking the sinful nature and renewing the mind in order to change ones life. Loss, such as the biblical principle that states a loss of ones life is gain, is complemented by neuroplasticity, the process through which the brain reorganizes itself by creating new neural connections. The authors point out in Chapter 2 that early experiences shape the brain, and Siegels discussions of the developing brain mean that context and decisions can alter thoughts and behaviors deeply. This is consistent with the Christian concept that refers to change for the better through faith and great effort. Scripturally, Philippians 4:8 encourages believers to think about things that are true, noble, righteous, pure, lovely, and of excellent report. It noted that this focus can bring changes in thought patterns and behavior, which is in line with the principle of neuroplasticity. Additionally, 2 Corinthians 5:Colossians 17 says, For in Christ, you are a new creation: the old has passed away, and the new has come. This change is consistent with the process of the renewal of the mind in light of the recent revelations in the science of the brain. Therefore, neuroplasticity is compatible with scriptural revelation concerning mind renewal, as elucidated in this paper, demonstrating how deliberate cognitive processing can affect change for the positive in a Christians life.

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