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Question.3535 - The guest speaker Jeffrey Baldwin 3 to 5 mins.

Answer Below:

Ndeye Speaker Notes 1. Speaker's Name and Title Jeffrey Baldwin (Guest Speaker). 2. Date September 14th, 2024. 3. Title "Rock-Physics in the Oil and Gas Industry and Beyond!" 4. What Part of the Energy Industry was discussed? Majorly, the guest speaker, Jeffery, emphasized the oil and natural gas industry from his experience standpoint, within the scope of petrophysics and rock physics by highlighting certain critical areas within critical areas within the upstream processing sector of the energy industry. 5. Summary (4-5 Sentences) Jeffery Baldwin (with a background education Bachelor of Science in Physics from California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo) possesses immense experience in oil and gas industry with over 20 years - particularly petrophysics and rock physics by sharing knowledge about analysis and optimization reservoir data including logging technologies to comprehend and improve the predictability of reservoirs - from Chesapeake Energy, and Petrophysics at Fugro-Jason (as advisor) and currently working as a petrophysics/rock physics experts at Global Rock Scope. His expertise lies in upstream processing and geoscience data analytics with the integration of modern technologies to calibrate logs - he was able to position his expertise to improve overall production, efficient positioning of sales, and improve customer satisfaction. Jeffery also shared his expertise to the public by co-authoring a paper that was presented at 2023 SPWLA Symposium. 6. Personal Impact- Did this speaker inspire you or increase your understanding or curiosity about the Field discussed? Conversely, did they dissuade you from this particular branch of work? Firstly, I had no idea that Petrophysics existed; after googling, I was able to understand that rock physics revolves around certain factors like porosity, saturation and permeability of rock, and the datasets are primarily obtained from well logs, which Jeffery's expertise studying how fluidic properties within the reservoir has an influence over rocks (Lucia & Kane, 2002). Although Jeffery did not mention it upfront, petrophysics is also utilized to understand the rock's interaction with seismic waves. To summarize what I understood, Petrophysicist study the rock properties from well logs (as Jeffery's expertise), assessing some factors like permeability, porosity, water saturation, and lithology - in order to characterize reservoirs and fluid estimation. I was interested in the topic, and when research, I was able to find out that the - traditional approach Petrophysics tends to estimate hydrocarbon reserves are vulnerable to sensitivity to variations considering the pore types, wherein wireline logging devices like neutron and density are assumed in order to indicate the overall porosity, also in reservoirs with moldic or sperate-vug porosity exists, wherein a distinction between moldic and interparticle porosity will aid in improving accuracy determining the petrophysical properties (Lucia & Kane, 2002). 7. Critical Review- Did the speaker display any bias, perspective, or agenda traits? If so, what were they? There were no signs of bias or imposition of perspective, it was basically informative message about an experts experience, there is influential information as though Jeffery was conveying the field of petrophysics. 8. Final Take-away - In a few sentences, sum up the presentation and your top three takeaways. a) Career option in the field of oil and natural gas industry. b) Choice of education - petrophysics and rock physics. c) Geo-science exploration. References Lucia, F., & Kane, A. (2002). Integrated Geological and Engineering Characterization of Fullerton Clear Fork Field in Andrews County, Texas. utexas.edu. https://www.beg.utexas.edu/resprog/fullerton/reservoirpetro.htm#:~:text=Reservoir%20Petrophysics&text=Accurate%20determinations%20of%20petrophysical%20properties,to%20variations%20in%20pore%20types.

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