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Question.3568 - 3 - 5 presentation CHAPTER 17   Germany’s Formula for War (YERGIN, D. (2011). THE PRIZE: THE EPIC QUEST FOR OIL, MONEY & POWER. SIMON AND SCHUSTER.)

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CHAPTER 17 Germanys Formula for War(YERGIN, D. (2011). THE PRIZE: THE EPIC QUEST FOR OIL, MONEY &POWER. SIMON AND SCHUSTER.) Slide 2From chapter 17, Yergin explored Germanys formula for war, wherein Nazi party surged with immense stronghold and seizure of power in Germany in need for oil and synthetic fuel development by assessing some of the causes of socioeconomic struggle of Germany and reliance on foreign oil in the 1930s, the rise of Adolf Hitler, and the strategic importance of synthetic fuels in building Germanys war machine. Synthetic fuel by I.G. Farben tends be a markable discovery since it owned the authority to control political and military partnerships with the Nazi regime, which was followed by rise of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933, the launch of the Volkswagen and autobahn projects, and the Four-Year Plan in 1936, aimed at preparing Germany for war by 1940. Germanys invasion of Poland in 1939, which was the brink of World War II, and the blitzkrieg strategy that was partially fueled by synthetic oil. Slide 3 Yergin tends to explore the economic implications of events through Germanys reliance on synthetic fuels as a means to address its dependence on foreign oil. Synthetic fuels became essential for Hitlers vision of a motorized Germany and the execution of his war plans, as though his war blueprint got a magic fuel to make it come alive. The synthetic fuel industry was a massive financial undertaking, requiring state support, tariff protection, and heavy investments in research and production, wherein, the investment - although initially was economically challenged due to the higher production costs, was justified by the Nazi regime as vital for national security and military dominance. The Four-Year Plan channeled substantial resources into synthetic fuel production, which by 1940 contributed significantly to Germanys oil supply, especially for military aviation. Slide 4 Germanys dependence on foreign oil and its limited domestic production made synthetic fuels strategically essential for Hitlers military ambitions. The remilitarization of the Rhineland in 1936, Mussolinis invasion of Ethiopia, and Germanys partnership with I.G. Farben depicted the desire to attain control and power over the World War II, in order to fuel the war, synthetic fuel was discovered, rather than actual technological invention; eventually Hitlers obsession grew which led to securing the natural resources that shaped his decision-making, leading to the blitzkrieg strategy and the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, with the aim of capturing the Caucasian oil fields. The oil embargoes and sanctions considered by the League of Nations also highlighted the global recognition of oils importance in geopolitical conflicts. Slide 5Hitler - was the leader and brains behind Nazi Party and Chancellor of Germany, also the person who drove the country towards war. Farben - German chemical company developed synthetic fuels and Bosch was the chairman of Farben. Teagle - President of Standard Oil of New Jersey, who identified the demand and scope of synthetic fuel in the global market. Speer - German Minister for Armaments and War Production, who oversaw the implementation of the Four-Year Plan

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