Question.812 - Students, Please watch the documentary film understanding citites, and submit the reflection paper.
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Documentary Reflection Karisa Janvrin BRIDGEWATER STATE UNIVERSITY GEOG 262-001: Intro to Urban Planning Professor Boah Kim February 14th, 2023 Documentary Reflection Cities, by the 2000s, were the drivers of population, causing misery due to limited resources. However, a balance of order and chaos is becoming the essence of humankind. A quote from the video by Aristotle states that People come to the city to find safety and happiness, to lead the good life. The underlying notion of the video is how the cities tend to be a part of identity in terms of reflecting the varying ethnicity and values in embodying them in its infrastructures and regulations, which in turn become one of the driving forces of population. Considering the characteristics of cities from the early 2000s tend to differ drastically in terms of how they respond to the dynamic trends of how they sustain their heritage and historical values. As seen in the videos in London, there was a major archeological find that was found during the underground tunnel work; the findings were of Roman deposits; while preserving the past, the city must build itself to match the shift in population growth and enable potential day to day operations one such example discussed in the video tends to be mobility. Another example from the video tends to be from the early-1800s when mobility caused a negative influx among the population, causing traffic that pushed the cities of London to make underground pathways to accommodate the The stakeholders who are responsible for building a city tend to possess high accountability in terms of ensuring that the flow of underground lines is equipped to sustain the flow of the surface cities. Electricity tends to be one of the driving forces of cities that keeps them up and running throughout the year; however, one of the undiscussed parts of electricity is shown in the video the wiring it takes to light up the city. However, one of the intriguing facts shared in the video tends to be how Romans employed water distribution through aqueducts that carried millions of gallons of water across their empire, gravity being the primary driver. Similarly, New York also uses the same method of gravity with the use of aqueducts and underground reservoirs that needs to sustain the flow of water simultaneously without compromising the flow of reserve. The force of gravity is altered by pressure to run the waters across modern cities, including high supply being on the height of the building. Considering the sewage system was discovered in the mid-19th century when the flush tool was implemented. However, the wastes had no separate lines to flow other than the waterways, resulting in various diseases that pushed the systems to sewage separation system. Another driver for the cities was trade routes that established the settlements for the migrating population who carried their travel influence across. The documentary divides the cities basically into two different categories one is the natural order that drives the people towards itself based on the resources, while the other type of city is a planned city that is driven by industries; one such example could be from Roman empire well structure and identical special distribution. However, both the models of classifying cities have drastically changed in the modern age since there is a high rate of population growth that is driven towards the established cities, be it any intervention only works in the short term because there is a poor possibility of infusing the sustenance in the urban setting that could produce long term results. But overcrowding of cities tends to have a detrimental effect on the city setting. Based on the reports presented in the video, during the 1900s, cities like New York experienced the incorporation of cultural industrialization; during the world wars, the cultural influence I n cities was impacted in a diverse manner since the flow economy for the entire world was stopped. But such harsh conditions pushed the cities to work on their mobility structure which led to mass transit. However, the underlying notion is that population-driving factors are interlinked with each other when there is good mobility infrastructure, which leads to an increased flow of population to settle down where the resources are, and in contrast, when there is an increase in population, it impacts the mobility infrastructure itself. Considering the example of Portland from the video and their investment in the downtown in terms of evading the freeway building that cut through the cities, causing havoc in the mobility of the population and which was one of the reasons for major traffic jams in several cities mentioned in the videos, while the Portland invested in the light rail system along with urban growth boundaries setting to sustain the flow wealth within the city in terms of providing value for its people. The documentary discusses the concept of urban utopia in terms of how Brasilia has no street names while it has something called sectors in order to provide more important to the growth of private care usage to organize the flow of mobility, which itself served as a disadvantage to the population that travels by foot. However, a city currently is also subjected to evolution depending on the rate of populational flow in and out of the city and those who settle.More Articles From Civil Engineering